
Make Easy Marquee Letters


First of all – thank you so much for all your congratulations on our blog anniversary last week! You are amazing followers and we look forward to share many more creative years with you. Now we’ll show you how we made our Marquee letters from last week’s post.

You need cardboard, we have used a cereal box, masking tape and scissors. You also need thin paper, a brush and decoupage glue.


You also need a string of lights. The string we’ve chosen has round detachable plastic globe to fit onto the lights. You can use any string of lights as long as it has lightbulbs that don’t get hot.


We made cardboard letters before. Please take a look at it for more pictures.


Cut a sturdy letter in cardboard. Also cut the edges to cover the whole letter. Our edges are 5 cm wide. Tape the edges of the letter with masking tape. We have also put an extra piece of cardboard in the bottom in the back, to make the letter more stable.

Cover the cardboard letter with tissue paper and decopage glue. When the letter is completely dry, we make holes for the lights with a pair of scissors. Placing the lights evenly on the back and fit the plastic globes on the front.


Our circus Marquee letter is done! The string of light is battery operated and we can place the letter anywhere.





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