Once again it’s time for Valentine’s Day! We want to set a beautiful table for our loved once with a table runner in paper.
You need paper suitable for Valentine’s Day. We have chosen red, pink, shiny and matte. We also use nice pictures from magazines, scissors, watercolors, masking tape and a sewing machine.
1. Freja like to experiment with watercolors. She makes patterns on white sheets of paper using both paper towels and a brush.
2. Next we cut out hearts in three different sizes and place them on the table. Move them around untill you find a good line, but make sure they are layered over each other. The amount of hearts needed depends on the length you choose for your. We want ours to be long and have to cut many hearts!
3. When our hearts is lined up the way we want them, we put a masking tape or washitejp straight over the runner. The tape helps keep all the hearts in place while we sew them together. Put the runner in the machine and sew a straight through the middle of the tape. Sewing in paper can make the needle blunt. We use an old needle and switch to a new one when we want to sew in fabric next time. Carefully remove the tape on the front. The threads at the beginning and end of the runner we attach with a piece of tape on the back.
Our runner is ready to be put on the table. Lets celebrate Valentine’s Day!
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